Fisicamente mi sento ok, certo mi stanco piu' facilmente ma non ho molto tempo per riposarmi, spero di poterlo fare in Italia, ma ne dubito!! Ho notato che le caviglie la sera sono gonfie, mmh inizia la ritenzione idrica!! Cosi' cerco di ricordarmi di fare gli esercizi per stimolare la circolazione.
Per il viaggio in aereo di 12 ore mi sono gia' comprata le "flight socks" della "scholls" assolutamente da mettere.
Ormai mancano solo 8 giorni alla partenza, sono un po'nervosa ma a questo punto non vedo l'ora di partire, non e' bello stare in bilico tra due Nazioni :-/
Just 70 days to the big day!!! I have so many things to think about that I forget about my baby, she probably just feels her mum walking around and moving things and going through papers. We have accumulated so much stuff in 3 years in Malaysia and now I am trying to organize everything before the movers come on Monday.
I feel ok, just getting tired more easily and I don't really have the time to relax, hope I can find it in Italy but I doubt it. I noticed my ankles are swollen in the night and also in the morning my arms and hands are numb and swollen. I try to do the exercises to improve the blood circulation. For my 12 hours journey to Italy I already bought the "flight socks" by "scholls", definitely a must.
Now we have just 8 days left to the departure, I am a bit nervous but at this point I just want to leave cos it's not a nice situation to be between two Countries :-/
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